Plants and Pipettes

we talk about plants and (used to) use pipettes

Mola mola babies – extremophile algae, intersectional feminism in academia, talking to conspiracy theorists

Some weeks we talk a lot about plant science, some weeks we explore a lot of plant-science-adjacent topics. You be the judge of what happened this week. 

Tegan’s favourite plant is Chlorella ohadii which is extremely resistant to excess light. New paper, old paper and news article.

Joram presents the work of Maria N. Miriti.

Bias: Zeigarnik effect; (related) Ovsiankina effect

Andrew Lloyd Webber annoyed at James Cordon’s ad libs  in his song as Bustopher Jones.Awesome Getty museum challenge photos. The cat picture in question.

Make sure to check out The Plant Book Club in your podcast app!

All views are our own. If you want to comment or correct anything we said, leave a comment under this post or reach out to us via twitterfacebook or instagram.

Our opening and closing music is Caravana by Phillip Gross

Until next time!

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